Bullying Prevention In School | workshop in North Vancouver

- Bullying at Schools
- Classroom Management and Discipline for Elementary students,
We offer educational workshops upon request of the community or annually in different locations and cities.
Bullying at Schools is a K – 12 workshop about how to protect children from bullies at elementary, middle and high schools. The workshop provides participants with tips about the signs of bullying. Instructors show how to approach the victim, and How to approach school authorities. We recommend parents to participate in the workshops with their school age children. Instructors have a practical approach and use real scenarios to show how to stop bullying.
Classroom Management and Discipline for Elementary students is a workshop for instructors and tutors of elementary students. This four and a half hour workshop can be set up for three one and a half hour sessions or a one-time three and a half session. The workshop offers ways of treating students who go to Canadian schools so they do not experience any difference between the environment and atmosphere between their regular school classes and their tutorials. This workshop secures tutors and instructors of after school classes such as Farsi classes of losing clients. It also ensures of increasing willingness of the students to take their classes seriously and to like them. This workshop is offered upon request. You can request the workshop by emailing us from Contact Us page. Make sure to leave us with your city, phone number, and days and time that you are available for the workshop so we arrange it accordingly and inform you of the workshop.